Day 3
Row 24: BS4, P11, K3, P2, K1, P8, K2, P12, K1, P8, BS4
Row 25: BS4, K8, P1, K12, P2, K8, P1, K2, P3, K11, BS4
Row 26: BS4, P5, K3, P7, K4, P7, K1, PP2, K1, 9, K4, P5, BS4
Row 27: BS4, K4, P1, K5, P1, K7, P1, K2, P1, K8, P3, K10, P1, K4, BS4
Row 28: BS4, P4, K1, P12, K2, P8, K1, P2, K1, P6, K2, P4, K1, P4, BS4
Row 29: BS4, K2, P1, K9, P3, K5, P1, K2, P1, K7, P1, K14, P1, K3, BS4
Row 30: BS4, P3, K1, P9, K3, P3, K1, P6, K2, P2, K4, 912, K1, P2, BS4
Row 31: BS4, K2, P1, K15, P3, K2, P1, K3, P1, K4, P2, K1, P2, K12, P1, K3, BS4
· 100% Cotton
o Red, Yellow or Orange Main Color (MC)
o Black or Green Contrast Color: Optional
· US 6/4mm
Border Stitch: use either garter stitch or moss stitch
MS-Moss Stitch: Row 1: K1, P1 to end, Row 2: P1, K1 to end
SB-Small bobble (3-stitch/3-row bobble): knit three stitches into one stitch, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn, purl all three stitches together
Cast on 56 stitches
Row 1: Border stitch
Row 2: Border stitch
Row 3: Border stitch
Row 4: Border stitch
Row 5: Border stitch
Row 6: Border stitch
Row 7: Border stitch
Row 8: Border stitch
Row 9: Border stitch
Row 10: Border stitch
Row 11: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 12: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 13: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 14: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 15: BS4, K23 P7, K18, BS4
Row 16: BS4, P17 K1, P7, K10, P13, BS4
Row 17: BS4, K11, P2, K18, P1, K16, BS4
Row 18: BS4, P15, K1, P21, K1, P10, BS4
Row 19: BS4, K9, P1, K22, P1, P15, BS4
Row 20: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 21: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 22: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 23: BS4, K8, P1, K22, P1, K16, BS4
KAL Pictures
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Day 3
Row 24: BS4, P11, K3, P2, K1, P8, K2, P12, K1, P8, BS4
Row 25: BS4, K8, P1, K12, P2, K8, P1, K2, P3, K11, BS4
Row 26: BS4, P5, K3, P7, K4, P7, K1, PP2, K1, 9, K4, P5, BS4
Row 27: BS4, K4, P1, K5, P1, K7, P1, K2, P1, K8, P3, K10, P1, K4, BS4
Row 28: BS4, P4, K1, P12, K2, P8, K1, P2, K1, P6, K2, P4, K1, P4, BS4
Row 29: BS4, K2, P1, K9, P3, K5, P1, K2, P1, K7, P1, K14, P1, K3, BS4
Row 30: BS4, P3, K1, P9, K3, P3, K1, P6, K2, P2, K4, 912, K1, P2, BS4
Row 31: BS4, K2, P1, K15, P3, K2, P1, K3, P1, K4, P2, K1, P2, K12, P1, K3, BS4
· 100% Cotton
o Red, Yellow or Orange Main Color (MC)
o Black or Green Contrast Color: Optional
· US 6/4mm
Border Stitch: use either garter stitch or moss stitch
MS-Moss Stitch: Row 1: K1, P1 to end, Row 2: P1, K1 to end
SB-Small bobble (3-stitch/3-row bobble): knit three stitches into one stitch, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn, purl all three stitches together
Cast on 56 stitches
Row 1: Border stitch
Row 2: Border stitch
Row 3: Border stitch
Row 4: Border stitch
Row 5: Border stitch
Row 6: Border stitch
Row 7: Border stitch
Row 8: Border stitch
Row 9: Border stitch
Row 10: Border stitch
Row 11: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 12: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 13: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 14: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 15: BS4, K23 P7, K18, BS4
Row 16: BS4, P17 K1, P7, K10, P13, BS4
Row 17: BS4, K11, P2, K18, P1, K16, BS4
Row 18: BS4, P15, K1, P21, K1, P10, BS4
Row 19: BS4, K9, P1, K22, P1, P15, BS4
Row 20: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 21: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 22: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 23: BS4, K8, P1, K22, P1, K16, BS4
There was an error noticed in the cast on row. It should have read 56 stitches not 54. Sorry about that. If there are any problems or errors please email me at
Row 24: BS4, P11, K3, P2, K1, P8, K2, P12, K1, P8, BS4
Row 25: BS4, K8, P1, K12, P2, K8, P1, K2, P3, K11, BS4
Row 26: BS4, P5, K3, P7, K4, P7, K1, PP2, K1, 9, K4, P5, BS4
Row 27: BS4, K4, P1, K5, P1, K7, P1, K2, P1, K8, P3, K10, P1, K4, BS4
Row 28: BS4, P4, K1, P12, K2, P8, K1, P2, K1, P6, K2, P4, K1, P4, BS4
Row 29: BS4, K2, P1, K9, P3, K5, P1, K2, P1, K7, P1, K14, P1, K3, BS4
Row 30: BS4, P3, K1, P9, K3, P3, K1, P6, K2, P2, K4, 912, K1, P2, BS4
Row 31: BS4, K2, P1, K15, P3, K2, P1, K3, P1, K4, P2, K1, P2, K12, P1, K3, BS4
· 100% Cotton
o Red, Yellow or Orange Main Color (MC)
o Black or Green Contrast Color: Optional
· US 6/4mm
Border Stitch: use either garter stitch or moss stitch
MS-Moss Stitch: Row 1: K1, P1 to end, Row 2: P1, K1 to end
SB-Small bobble (3-stitch/3-row bobble): knit three stitches into one stitch, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn, purl all three stitches together
Cast on 56 stitches
Row 1: Border stitch
Row 2: Border stitch
Row 3: Border stitch
Row 4: Border stitch
Row 5: Border stitch
Row 6: Border stitch
Row 7: Border stitch
Row 8: Border stitch
Row 9: Border stitch
Row 10: Border stitch
Row 11: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 12: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 13: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 14: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 15: BS4, K23 P7, K18, BS4
Row 16: BS4, P17 K1, P7, K10, P13, BS4
Row 17: BS4, K11, P2, K18, P1, K16, BS4
Row 18: BS4, P15, K1, P21, K1, P10, BS4
Row 19: BS4, K9, P1, K22, P1, P15, BS4
Row 20: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 21: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 22: BS4, P15, K1, P22, K1, P8, BS4
Row 23: BS4, K8, P1, K22, P1, K16, BS4
There was an error noticed in the cast on row. It should have read 56 stitches not 54. Sorry about that. If there are any problems or errors please email me at
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
November 2007-Day 1
· 100% Cotton
o Red, Yellow or Orange Main Color (MC)
o Black or Green Contrast Color: Optional
· US 6/4mm
Border Stitch: use either garter stitch or moss stitch
MS-Moss Stitch: Row 1: K1, P1 to end, Row 2: P1, K1 to end
SB-Small bobble (3-stitch/3-row bobble): knit three stitches into one stitch, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn, purl all three stitches together
Cast on 56 stitches
Row 1: Border stitch
Row 2: Border stitch
Row 3: Border stitch
Row 4: Border stitch
Row 5: Border stitch
Row 6: Border stitch
Row 7: Border stitch
Row 8: Border stitch
Row 9: Border stitch
Row 10: Border stitch
Row 11: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 12: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 13: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 14: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 15: BS4, K23 P7, K18, BS4
· 100% Cotton
o Red, Yellow or Orange Main Color (MC)
o Black or Green Contrast Color: Optional
· US 6/4mm
Border Stitch: use either garter stitch or moss stitch
MS-Moss Stitch: Row 1: K1, P1 to end, Row 2: P1, K1 to end
SB-Small bobble (3-stitch/3-row bobble): knit three stitches into one stitch, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn, purl all three stitches together
Cast on 56 stitches
Row 1: Border stitch
Row 2: Border stitch
Row 3: Border stitch
Row 4: Border stitch
Row 5: Border stitch
Row 6: Border stitch
Row 7: Border stitch
Row 8: Border stitch
Row 9: Border stitch
Row 10: Border stitch
Row 11: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 12: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 13: BS4, K48, BS4
Row 14: BS4, P48, BS4
Row 15: BS4, K23 P7, K18, BS4
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Material List for the November KAL
·100% Cotton
o Red, Yellow or Orange Main Color (MC)
o Black or Green Contrast Color: Optional
·US 6/4mm
Border Stitch: use either garter stitch or moss stitch
MS-Moss Stitch: Row 1: K1, P1 to end, Row 2: P1, K1 to end
SB-Small bobble (3-stitch/3-row bobble): knit three stitches into one stitch, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn, purl all three stitches together
·100% Cotton
o Red, Yellow or Orange Main Color (MC)
o Black or Green Contrast Color: Optional
·US 6/4mm
Border Stitch: use either garter stitch or moss stitch
MS-Moss Stitch: Row 1: K1, P1 to end, Row 2: P1, K1 to end
SB-Small bobble (3-stitch/3-row bobble): knit three stitches into one stitch, turn, p3, turn, k3, turn, purl all three stitches together
Monday, October 22, 2007
October 2007, Mid-Month KAL8
Row 57: knit across using black
Row 58: k17, p2, k17-using black
Row 59: knit across using white
Row 60: k4, p28, k4-using white
Row 61: knit across using black
Row 62: knit across using black
Bind off and weave in ends.
Thank you Ronda White for this wonderful pattern. It is an illusion design, called Candy Corn Illusion Cloth. I love doing illusions and have designed some myself. I hope everyone enjoyed this technique and I would like to see some wonderful pictures.
Materials needed:
· Size 7 knitting needles
· Worsted Weight 100% Cotton in the following colors and amounts:
o 1 oz each of
§ White
§ Yellow
§ Orange
o 2 oz
§ Black or any other dark color, this is the main background color
Cast on 36 stitches in black
Row 1: knit across using black
Row 2: knit across using black
Row 3: knit across using yellow
Row 4: k4, p28, k4 using yellow
Row 5: knit across using black
Row 6: knit across using black
Row 7: knit across using yellow
Row 8: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 9: knit across using black
Row 10: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 11: knit across using yellow
Row 12: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 13: knit across using black
Row 14: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 15: knit across using yellow
Row 16: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 17: knit across using black
Row 18: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 19: knit across using yellow
Row 20: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 21: knit across using black
Row 22: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 23: knit across using orange
Row 24: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using orange
Row 25: knit across using black
Row 26: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 27: knit across using orange
Row 28: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4 using orange
Row 29: knit across using black
Row 30: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 31: knit across using orange
Row 32: k4, p8, k12, p8, k4 using orange
Row 33: knit across using black
Row 34: k12, p12, k12-using black
Row 35: knit across using orange
Row 36: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4-using orange
Row 37: knit across using black
Row 38: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 39: knit across using orange
Row 40: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4 using orange
Row 41: knit across using black
Row 42: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 43: knit across using white
Row 44: k4, p10, k8, p10, k4-using white
Row 45: knit across using black
Row 46: k14, p8, k14-using black
Row 47: knit across using white
Row 48: k4, p11, k6, p11, k4-using white
Row 49: knit across using black
Row 50: k15, p6, k15-using black
Row 51: knit across using white
Row 52: k4, p12, k4, p12, k4-using white
Row 53: knit across using black
Row 54: k16, p4, k16-using black
Row 55: knit across using white
Row 56: k4, p13, k2, p13, k4 using white
Row 57: knit across using black
Row 58: k17, p2, k17-using black
Row 59: knit across using white
Row 60: k4, p28, k4-using white
Row 61: knit across using black
Row 62: knit across using black
Bind off and weave in ends.
Thank you Ronda White for this wonderful pattern. It is an illusion design, called Candy Corn Illusion Cloth. I love doing illusions and have designed some myself. I hope everyone enjoyed this technique and I would like to see some wonderful pictures.
Materials needed:
· Size 7 knitting needles
· Worsted Weight 100% Cotton in the following colors and amounts:
o 1 oz each of
§ White
§ Yellow
§ Orange
o 2 oz
§ Black or any other dark color, this is the main background color
Cast on 36 stitches in black
Row 1: knit across using black
Row 2: knit across using black
Row 3: knit across using yellow
Row 4: k4, p28, k4 using yellow
Row 5: knit across using black
Row 6: knit across using black
Row 7: knit across using yellow
Row 8: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 9: knit across using black
Row 10: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 11: knit across using yellow
Row 12: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 13: knit across using black
Row 14: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 15: knit across using yellow
Row 16: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 17: knit across using black
Row 18: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 19: knit across using yellow
Row 20: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 21: knit across using black
Row 22: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 23: knit across using orange
Row 24: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using orange
Row 25: knit across using black
Row 26: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 27: knit across using orange
Row 28: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4 using orange
Row 29: knit across using black
Row 30: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 31: knit across using orange
Row 32: k4, p8, k12, p8, k4 using orange
Row 33: knit across using black
Row 34: k12, p12, k12-using black
Row 35: knit across using orange
Row 36: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4-using orange
Row 37: knit across using black
Row 38: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 39: knit across using orange
Row 40: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4 using orange
Row 41: knit across using black
Row 42: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 43: knit across using white
Row 44: k4, p10, k8, p10, k4-using white
Row 45: knit across using black
Row 46: k14, p8, k14-using black
Row 47: knit across using white
Row 48: k4, p11, k6, p11, k4-using white
Row 49: knit across using black
Row 50: k15, p6, k15-using black
Row 51: knit across using white
Row 52: k4, p12, k4, p12, k4-using white
Row 53: knit across using black
Row 54: k16, p4, k16-using black
Row 55: knit across using white
Row 56: k4, p13, k2, p13, k4 using white
Sunday, October 21, 2007
October 2007, Mid-Month KAL-Day7
Row 49: knit across using black
Row 50: k15, p6, k15-using black
Row 51: knit across using white
Row 52: k4, p12, k4, p12, k4 using white
Row 53: knit across using black
Row 54: k16, p4, k16-using black
Row 55: knit across using white
Row 56: k4, p13, k2, p13, k4 using white
Materials needed:
· Size 7 knitting needles
· Worsted Weight 100% Cotton in the following colors and amounts:
o 1 oz each of
§ White
§ Yellow
§ Orange
o 2 oz
§ Black or any other dark color, this is th main background color
Cast on 36 stitches in black
Row 1: knit across using black
Row 2: knit across using black
Row 3: knit across using yellow
Row 4: k4, p28, k4 using yellow
Row 5: knit across using black
Row 6: knit across using black
Row 7: knit across using yellow
Row 8: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 9: knit across using black
Row 10: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 11: knit across using yellow
Row 12: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 13: knit across using black
Row 14: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 15: knit across using yellow
Row 16: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 17: knit across using black
Row 18: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 19: knit across using yellow
Row 20: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 21: knit across using black
Row 22: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 23: knit across using orange
Row 24: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using orange
Row 25: knit across using black
Row 26: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 27: knit across using orange
Row 28: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4 using orange
Row 29: knit across using black
Row 30: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 31: knit across using orange
Row 32: k4, p8, k12, p8, k4 using orange
Row 33: knit across using black
Row 34: k12, p12, k12-using black
Row 35: knit across using orange
Row 36: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4-using orange
Row 37: knit across using black
Row 38: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 39: knit across using orange
Row 40: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4 using orange
Row 41: knit across using black
Row 42: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 43: knit across using white
Row 44: k4, p10, k8, p10, k4-using white
Row 45: knit across using black
Row 46: k14, p8, k14-using black
Row 47: knit across using white
Row 48: k4, p11, k6, p11, k4-using white
Row 49: knit across using black
Row 50: k15, p6, k15-using black
Row 51: knit across using white
Row 52: k4, p12, k4, p12, k4 using white
Row 53: knit across using black
Row 54: k16, p4, k16-using black
Row 55: knit across using white
Row 56: k4, p13, k2, p13, k4 using white
Materials needed:
· Size 7 knitting needles
· Worsted Weight 100% Cotton in the following colors and amounts:
o 1 oz each of
§ White
§ Yellow
§ Orange
o 2 oz
§ Black or any other dark color, this is th main background color
Cast on 36 stitches in black
Row 1: knit across using black
Row 2: knit across using black
Row 3: knit across using yellow
Row 4: k4, p28, k4 using yellow
Row 5: knit across using black
Row 6: knit across using black
Row 7: knit across using yellow
Row 8: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 9: knit across using black
Row 10: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 11: knit across using yellow
Row 12: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 13: knit across using black
Row 14: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 15: knit across using yellow
Row 16: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 17: knit across using black
Row 18: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 19: knit across using yellow
Row 20: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 21: knit across using black
Row 22: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 23: knit across using orange
Row 24: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using orange
Row 25: knit across using black
Row 26: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 27: knit across using orange
Row 28: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4 using orange
Row 29: knit across using black
Row 30: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 31: knit across using orange
Row 32: k4, p8, k12, p8, k4 using orange
Row 33: knit across using black
Row 34: k12, p12, k12-using black
Row 35: knit across using orange
Row 36: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4-using orange
Row 37: knit across using black
Row 38: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 39: knit across using orange
Row 40: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4 using orange
Row 41: knit across using black
Row 42: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 43: knit across using white
Row 44: k4, p10, k8, p10, k4-using white
Row 45: knit across using black
Row 46: k14, p8, k14-using black
Row 47: knit across using white
Row 48: k4, p11, k6, p11, k4-using white
October 2007, Mid-Month KAL-Day6
Row 41: knit across using black
Row 42: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 43: knit across using white
Row 44: k4, p10, k8, p10, k4-using white
Row 45: knit across using black
Row 46: k14, p8, k14-using black
Row 47: knit across using white
Row 48: k4, p11, k6, p11, k4-using white
Materials needed:
· Size 7 knitting needles
· Worsted Weight 100% Cotton in the following colors and amounts:
o 1 oz each of
§ White
§ Yellow
§ Orange
o 2 oz
§ Black or any other dark color, this is th main background color
Cast on 36 stitches in black
Row 1: knit across using black
Row 2: knit across using black
Row 3: knit across using yellow
Row 4: k4, p28, k4 using yellow
Row 5: knit across using black
Row 6: knit across using black
Row 7: knit across using yellow
Row 8: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 9: knit across using black
Row 10: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 11: knit across using yellow
Row 12: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 13: knit across using black
Row 14: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 15: knit across using yellow
Row 16: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 17: knit across using black
Row 18: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 19: knit across using yellow
Row 20: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 21: knit across using black
Row 22: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 23: knit across using orange
Row 24: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using orange
Row 25: knit across using black
Row 26: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 27: knit across using orange
Row 28: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4 using orange
Row 29: knit across using black
Row 30: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 31: knit across using orange
Row 32: k4, p8, k12, p8, k4 using orange
Row 33: knit across using black
Row 34: k12, p12, k12-using black
Row 35: knit across using orange
Row 36: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4-using orange
Row 37: knit across using black
Row 38: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 39: knit across using orange
Row 40: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4 using orange
Row 41: knit across using black
Row 42: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 43: knit across using white
Row 44: k4, p10, k8, p10, k4-using white
Row 45: knit across using black
Row 46: k14, p8, k14-using black
Row 47: knit across using white
Row 48: k4, p11, k6, p11, k4-using white
Materials needed:
· Size 7 knitting needles
· Worsted Weight 100% Cotton in the following colors and amounts:
o 1 oz each of
§ White
§ Yellow
§ Orange
o 2 oz
§ Black or any other dark color, this is th main background color
Cast on 36 stitches in black
Row 1: knit across using black
Row 2: knit across using black
Row 3: knit across using yellow
Row 4: k4, p28, k4 using yellow
Row 5: knit across using black
Row 6: knit across using black
Row 7: knit across using yellow
Row 8: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 9: knit across using black
Row 10: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 11: knit across using yellow
Row 12: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using yellow
Row 13: knit across using black
Row 14: k11, p14, k11-using black
Row 15: knit across using yellow
Row 16: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 17: knit across using black
Row 18: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 19: knit across using yellow
Row 20: k4, p6, k16, p6, k4-using yellow
Row 21: knit across using black
Row 22: k10, p16, k10-using black
Row 23: knit across using orange
Row 24: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4-using orange
Row 25: knit across using black
Row 26: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 27: knit across using orange
Row 28: k4, p7, k14, p7, k4 using orange
Row 29: knit across using black
Row 30: k11, p14, k11 using black
Row 31: knit across using orange
Row 32: k4, p8, k12, p8, k4 using orange
Row 33: knit across using black
Row 34: k12, p12, k12-using black
Row 35: knit across using orange
Row 36: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4-using orange
Row 37: knit across using black
Row 38: k13, p10, k13-using black
Row 39: knit across using orange
Row 40: k4, p9, k10, p9, k4 using orange
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